Cancel Membership

Cancel your membership and all future charges in seconds by filling out the form below.

For 24/7 Customer Support Call us at +1 (513) 229-9472

Want to Cancel Your Membership? We're happy to help!

Simply fill out the form below to cancel your membership immediately.

For 24/7 Customer Support Call us at +1 (513) 229-9472

Your membership was successfully cancelled.


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Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We’re here to help

1. What is included in the BioVitta VIP Membership?

As a member, you get 50% off your first order, $50.00 in store credit every month (valid for 3 months), 25% off next orders, lifetime free shipping, exclusive access to our VIP product catalog with discounts up to 80%, early access to new launches, and special gifts like eBooks and priority customer support.

2. Can I cancel my membership anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your membership anytime after the first charge to avoid future charges. Simply submit your cancellation request using this form, and it will be processed immediately. Alternatively, you can call us at +1 (513) 229-9472.

3. Will I be charged after canceling my membership?

No. Once your membership is canceled, you won’t be charged again. However, past charges for already provided benefits are non-refundable, as outlined in our terms and conditions.

4. Can I still access the benefits after canceling my membership?

Once your membership is canceled, you will no longer have access to the benefits or the credits.